Dollhouse Chapter 27

Nikolas didn’t feel pain like he was supposed to ever since Amos… Who was Amos? Right, he’s that fucking bastard that took Ren and him from the orphanage and… what did he do again, Nikolas felt his cunt throb, right. Where was Amos? He’s dead, Rowan’s voice spoke in the back of his brain, stickyContinue reading “Dollhouse Chapter 27”

Dollhouse Chapter 25

Only a few steps away from the room Waylon was convalescing in, Nikolas stopped and tried to turn back. Rowan tightened her arm around his shoulders, fingernails biting into the cold, hard flesh of his upper arm. “Let Waylon rest.” Rowan reiterated. Nikolas wrenched himself free, nostrils flaring and lips curled into a snarl, “IContinue reading “Dollhouse Chapter 25”

Dollhouse Chapter 22

Waylon’s view of Ren was blocked as Rowan approached him, her expression completely inscrutable. Fearful, adrenaline pumping, Waylon plastered himself against the wall, still clutching his bleeding wounds. Once she was within a foot of him, her expressions softened into a warm small. She tilted her head to the side, and gently took his rightContinue reading “Dollhouse Chapter 22”

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